September 10th - Audio Devlog

This week, we focused on audio in my Game Design I class. 

The video linked showcases all of the sounds I added, some of which were recorded myself, and some were created using BFXR. In total I created sounds for both types of platforms, the doors, the keys, checkpoints, lava, a radio, and the death screen.

I used BFXR for the platforms, checkpoint, and death sound. I have two sounds on the falling checkpoint, a higher toned one which plays when you first touch it, and a lower tone that plays when it falls. I felt like those tones matched the significance of their actions. The moving platform has more of an upwards sweeping sound which matches the movement of the objects. The checkpoint has a higher pitched "ding ding ding" sound that sounds congratulatory to me. In the opposite fashion, the death sound has a sweep of lower pitches that sound more "negative". 

As for the sounds I recorded myself, I simply used voice memos on my phone to record myself messing with my bathroom door handle and opening the door for my door sounds. I also recorded myself grabbing my keys for the sound of picking up a key, too. I think even though you're grabbing a comically large key in the game, the sound of jangling keys is recognizable enough for it to make sense. 

Finally, the ambient sounds. I got the lava sound from I think it helps convey what the lava is, despite how simple it looks.  As for the radio, I used a short clip from an old song recording I made in Logic Pro, added a radio effect, and set it to loop. It provides a sense of fun in the radius around it.

Overall, I had a lot of fun working on sound effects for my project. Making music is a fun hobby for me so I was glad to be able to throw a little song demo that I recorded a while back too. Being able to find sounds around me in my own room is a fun way to think creatively as well.

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